District 28 July Meeting
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesA monthly meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. We’re back in the big room where we hold our Alcothon, Double Gray Doors on the side of the building. It’s also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
District 28, Monthly Meeting
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesA monthly meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. The District meeting will be held in the classroom, not the main hall. We believe it will be in Room #3, but there should be signs. It’s also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
District 28, Monthly Meeting
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesA monthly meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. It’s also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
Fall Picnic
Leesylvania State Park 2001 Daniel K Ludwig Dr Woodbridge, VA 22191, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesSeptember 24, 2023 11:00-4:00 at Leesylvania State Park, Shelter 2 Surprise Speaker from Falls Church 2pm Bring a Board, Card, or Yard Game to Play! If you’d like to do service work and help setup, be there by 10am Burgers, Hotdogs, & Drinks Supplied If your last name starts with A-L, […]
2023 VAC Fall Assembly
The VAC Fall Assembly is in Roanoke. See the official event: https://aavirginia.org/event/2023-vac-fall-assembly/
District 28, Monthly Meeting
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesA monthly meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. It’s also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
2023 Gratitude Breakfast
Springfield Hilton, 6550 Loisdale Road, Springfield, VA 22150 6550 Loisdale Road, Springfield, Virginia, United StatesMore information on the NVI site: https://nvintergroup.org/gratitude-breakfast-2023/
District 28, Monthly Meeting
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesA meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
Holiday Party
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 15695 Blackburn Rd, Woodbridge, Virginia, United StatesThe folks at the Serenity Sunday Group of AA are hosting a holiday party. Bring a dish to share :). The doors open at five, we'll eat, and the meeting starts at 8. The entrance is in the back of the church.
District 28, Monthly Meeting
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesA meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
2023 Alcothon
Bethel United Methodist Church 13506 Minnieville Road, Woodbridge, VA, United StatesCOME TO OUR HOLIDAY CELEBRATION OF SOBRIETY! Email adcm@woodbridgeaa.org to sign up!