2023 VAC Fall Assembly
The VAC Fall Assembly is in Roanoke. See the official event: https://aavirginia.org/event/2023-vac-fall-assembly/
The VAC Fall Assembly is in Roanoke. See the official event: https://aavirginia.org/event/2023-vac-fall-assembly/
A monthly meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. It’s also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
More information on the NVI site: https://nvintergroup.org/gratitude-breakfast-2023/
A meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
The folks at the Serenity Sunday Group of AA are hosting a holiday party. Bring a dish to share :). The doors open at five, we'll eat, and the meeting starts at 8. The entrance is in the back of the church.
A meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
COME TO OUR HOLIDAY CELEBRATION OF SOBRIETY! Email [email protected] to sign up!
A meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
A meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
Room 3
A meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09
A meeting of the District’s General Service Representatives and Committee Chairs. This meeting is monthly and happens every third Thursday of the month. This meeting is hybrid and is also on Zoom: Meeting ID: 920 3570 6868Passcode: 519440 https://zoom.us/j/92035706868?pwd=cmxrYU1ITDl4K3hySGhidnRUdUV6UT09